Friday, July 10, 2015

You Go Girl!

I had the best visit with my friend Etta yesterday and she brought up something that I "knew" but never really recognized as being unique to who Marilyn is. Sometimes it takes another person to expose the truth, not as you want it to be but as it is. She emphasized character traits that dwell within me and make It's hard to write it down "on paper" because I never thought of it as being special. So here whole being thrives in the arts, and not just the musical/painting/acting kind of arts, although they do excite me. Anything that initiates movement and creativity gets my juices flowing. I love the wave and flow of music, listening to it, creating it, directing it, dancing to it. I love putting "pen to paper" to create ideas and express concepts that come to mind. On another vein, I salivate just thinking about buying a circular saw in order to create a unique lamp for my organ transformed into a desk. Then my heart quickens thinking about what else I can build/create with that saw. My grandfather was a carpenter and built a bookshelf back in the 1960's that still stands firm and strong today in my living room. I want to build another just like it for my new study room. Creative juices flow when i get in the kitchen and find a recipe in a cookbook that I've never made before and just happen to have the ingredients to concoct whatever is on the page. I smile a bit broader when I can alter the recipe and create my own version of it and my family gobbles it down. My fingers twitch to pick up a hammer or paint brush for a new project or figure out a way to organize and plan a women's conference. Anything that sparks creativity within me makes me TICK! LOUDLY! And at the age of 57 that speaks volumes to my heart. I remember telling my grandmother when I was 7 or 8 that when I grew up I wanted to learn what made people tick and she sternly chastised me for that. I assumed she interpreted my words in a sexual nature...I'm not sure, but she let me know that finding out what made people tick, in her mind, was a big no-no. Now that I'm near the age she was at that time, I want to tell my grand daughter, "You go girl!! Find out what makes you tick and go for it!" Granted, I'm not my grandmother, but back to the truth revealed. "Anything that initiates movement and creativity" makes me LIVE. So why am I at a sit down job, inputting claims, etc. for an insurance company? Why am I not doing the work that makes me thrive? Well, the paycheck is a big motivator and the fact that the Lord put me here for His purpose, which may be to find out the above. I don't know, but I do know that as long as He has me here I'm going to find ways to thrive under His leadership. I want to be creatively, fully alive to thrive. So what makes you tick?

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