Thursday, April 2, 2015


You know, when you think about reaching a goal one normally thinks about running to a finish line or completing a project or getting your weight to a certain number or something that's designed to happen over a period of time. Rarely does one thing about a goal as being achievable immediately, unless of course, the "goal" is set so unbelievably low that it's not really a goal at all. I've got "goals": losing 100 lbs, getting off diabetic/high blood pressure meds, and maybe even eventually running a marathon (now THAT's a big goal!). This morning I read a verse that set me to re-examining the word "goal". 1 Timothy 4b-5 (NIV) reads: "...advancing God’s work—which is by faith. The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." For the believer and follower of Jesus Christ, the goal as we advance God's work through faith is love. It's not to weigh a certain number, look a certain way, memorize a lot of scriptures so you sound "spiritual" or even refusing to use swear language. All these things are good and part of the believer's overall being, but according to God's Word our "goal" is LOVE; pure, right and sincere. towards God and towards others. I love that my diabetic numbers are nearing normal and that my body is internally getting healthy and my thoughts are positive, healthy and looking heavenward. I love that as I walk this journey to fully live living others are watching and seeking and examining their relationship with the Lord, but is that my GOAL? Or is my goal, as I faithfully continue to advance God's work, love? Kinda, sorta makes one ponder that truth, doesn't it? Love, what an interesting concept, what an even more attainable goal, right here, right now.

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