Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Key to Victorious Live Living-my Valley of Beracah

  Remember the blog a couple days ago (All things are possible) where I prayed for God to show me how to get the weight off? Well, you're going to think this crazy but I believe and have confirmation that  He's shown me. It's going to take a little explanation, but bear with me. Two vital aspects of this journey to liveliving in Him is to #1-do it His way only, not the world's and #2-to successfully set
the example for others who, like me, financially can't afford to do it the world's way.

In order to explain I must briefly go back 35 years. I started smoking when I was 13 and continued smoking until I was 21. I was married then, had a 18 month old little boy and was working my first real job as a waitress in a truck stop. A rare event happened to change my life in that truck stop. A Christian truck driver by the name of Elvin Hess out of Pennsylvania walked through the doors and I noticed that he would speak to various truckers about his faith. This intrigued me and we began a brief but life-changing relationship. He re-introduced me to Jesus. I had been a Christian for many years, but had strayed away from my faith and working in a truck stop did not encourage that kind of life style. In the process of being re-acquainted with Jesus the Lord tell me, "Daughter, you can't serve me and smoke."

Knowing that in order to honor my Lord I had to quit smoking, I told Him, "Okay, Father, if you want me to quit smoking, you're going to have to do it through me, because I can't do it on my own." That was all He needed, and I soon discovered that each time I wanted a cigarette the Holy Spirit would bring to my mind songs that I had learned as a little girl in Sunday School. Each time I wanted a cigarette, (especially driving the 20 miles to and from work that was very strong), I would sing all the louder. Thankfully, the only one to hear me was Jesus! That worked. I've been smoke free for 35+ years now and I give Him all the praise for it.

Forward 35 years. This morning I was reading in 2 Chronicles 20, verses 9 through 29. I'm going to write the parts of the verses that specifically spoke to me.
Verse 9 says "If calamity comes upon us...we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress and you will hear us and save us.
Verse 12b - "...for we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."
Verse 14-15: "The the Spirit of the Lord came upon he stood in the assembly. He said, "Listen...This is what the Lord says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.
Verse 17 - "You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions, stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out to face them...and the Lord will be with you."
Verse 22 - "...they began to sing and praise and the Lord set ambushes against (their enemies)...and they were defeated."
Verse 26b - "This is why it is called the valley of Beracah to this day." (Beracah means "praise".

Joyce Meyer's devotional for today said, "In God's economy, standing still in faith is action. They simply stood still, waiting on God & He miraculously delivered them. Waiting on God brings strength and you'll hear His voice, receive answers, get direction & gain strength to obey what he speaks to you."
This was confirmation #1.

Then the Spirit took me to Psalm 41:11. One version says, "I know that You are pleased with me, for my enemies do not triumph over me." Joel Osteen said, "The favor of God keeps my enemies from defeating me. When you walk in God's favor, honoring Him with your life, knowing who you are and Whose you are, you can't be defeated."

That was confirmation #2.

Doubting that He was using these Old Testament verses to truly speak to me (I didn't want to just use them to justify my own desires), I asked Him to give me a verse from the New Testament and He  planted Matthew 22:31b and 32 in my mind. (Boy, did I feel chastised.) "...have you not read what God said to you, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob"? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living."  What this said to me was that He is not the God of the defeated, but of the victorious!

"Daughter, remember when I told you when you were smoking, "You can't serve Me and smoke"?
Yes, Father.
"And you didn't know it then, but you did the same thing the Israelites did when facing a vast army. You sang praises to Me every time you wanted a cigarette. That was over 35 years ago. It holds true today. When you crave those foods that you know won't help you lose weight, stop, stand still and sing praises to Me and I will defeat your enemies (cravings)."

Can it be that simple Father?

"Well, it worked for the Israelites, it worked for you 35 years ago and it will work for you now. I will deliver you."

Confirmation #3.

And to top it all off He led me to the Verse of the Day on my cell phone. Deuteronomy 7:9 (NIRV). "So I want you to realize that the Lord your God is God. He is the faithful God. He keeps His covenant (promise) for all time to come (a thousand generations). He keeps it with those who love  Him and obey His commands. He shows them His love."

Finally, I read Deuteronomy 7, 7-8, 12 & 14: "The Lord did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath He swore (covenant promise) to your forefathers that He brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt" (your past failures). If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them...He will love you and bless you and increase you.  You will be blessed more than any other people."

I know this is longer than most posts, but crucial to understand what He's told me to do: stand still when facing the temptations to fail and overeat, and sing Him praises each time I want to eat whatever won't bring victory and weight loss. It's that simple, it's that pure, it's that God-led. In Jesus' name, today, obedience begins.

1 comment:

  1. Keep working it out. It may not look like progress, but you are making head way by just being aware in ways you have never been before.
